Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The idea of disenfranchisement by stealth

The idea of disenfranchisement by stealth is, as ever, on the front foot and subsequently democracy is in retreat.

Consider an evening’s television programming and the retreat become of democracy becomes obvious as does the erosion of enfranchisement.

The entertainment of most commercial television programming is exactly that – “entertainment” and never does it disturb a person’s thinking and cause them to wonder about how and why their country is being governed.

It is a malign influence and is counter to exactly the intent of Socrates who said “That the unexamined life is not worth living”.

Watching television, or being involved in much of contemporary media offers, forestalls the idea that we should critically examine anything, rather simply give ourselves over to the hedonistic life; a life in which consumption is king.

The idea of the Four-Hour Work Day will evolve from the endless examination of what it is we do; a return to true democracy in which people involve themselves in a civil society; work to ensure democracy is truly about one vote, one person and not one dollar, one vote; and realise that what is presently foisted upon us under the guise of democracy is really totalitarianism by the wealthy.

The barbarians are at the gate and rather than being prepared to subdue us with weapons of mass destruction they will use finance of mass destruction.

The Four-Hour Work Day is not about money; rather it is about putting people ahead of profit and as it works its subtle magic to rescue us from a life of slavery to the cause of the corporations, it will also play a key role in helping counteract the damage humans have caused to earth’s atmosphere.

The Four-Hour Work Day will dramatically reduce our use of energy, our use of fossil fuels, but what will in fact be a quieter life by today’s standards, will really socially richer; richer to a level we don’t yet understand.


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