Saturday, February 28, 2015

We are paying now for capitalism in a dramatic way

Capitalism deserves much praise and is responsible for many wonderful things, but those benefits have come at a price, among them, a seriously damaged atmosphere.

The quartet of Alexander Jung, Horand Knaup, Samiha Shafy and Bernhard Zand have discussed both the value and disadvantages of capitalism in an article on Spiegel Online International.

In their story headed: “The Warming World: Is Capitalism Destroying Our Planet?” they say humans are full of contradictions, including the urge to destroy things they love. Like our planet.

The Four-Hour Work Day would derail capitalism and play a significant role in rehabilitating earth and renewing communities.

Naomi Klein backs, by implication, the idea of a Four-Hour Work Day

The idea of a Four-Hour Work Day is justified by many things, among them a changing climate, the blatant inequality arising from the existing economic structure and, critically and importantly, the desire to survive.

Naomi Klein.
The need to survive our changing climate has prompted Canadian author, journalist and social activist known for her political analyses and criticism of corporate globalization and of corporate capitalism, has made that point in an interview with Spiegal Online International.

A kicker headline on the story says: “Can we still stop global warming? Only if we radically change our capitalist system, argues author Naomi Klein. In an interview with SPIEGEL, she explains why the time has come to abandon small steps for a radical new approach.”

Embedded in Klein’s view is the urgent need to dethrone the capitalist system and work at creating a more egalitarian society and maybe one which would revolve around many of the ideas upon which the Four-Hour Work Day is built.