Thursday, May 3, 2012

The unspoken goal is to maintain life as it is

Every time people gather to discuss an adaptation, or response to climate change, the unspoken goal seems to be the maintenance of the world as we know it.

The Four-Hour Work Day is the
 among the first steps in
 responding to climate change.
That is honourable and warrants applause, but it seems to avoid the reality that if the causations of climate change are not attended to then circumstances will become so difficult that life as we know it will erode.

That is not what I want and what I certainly do not want is more discussion, more imaginary strategies or more research for we haven’t the time. The time to contemplate our response, and act, was ideally 30 years ago.

However, understanding then little about what damage we were doing to our atmosphere, we did nothing and continued with business as usual and so actually worsened the situation.

The time for talk and the seemingly endless oscillation as to whether or not humans are responsible and beyond that how we respond is past.

We now need a decision; we need courageous and bold leaders willing to put their careers at risk as they guide Australia through the tribulations that will evolve from a changing climate.

We need invasive social surgery; surgery that will slow down our carbon dioxide emissions and such surgery can only be orchestrated from the “top-down”.

We need an innovative process that will slow down society; lift its foot off the throttle; ease back, consider, contemplate life and pull over into the rest area.

Sounds easy, but doing that will be both complex and difficult, but a first step will be to embrace the Four-Hour Work Day.   

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