Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The struggle is with closed minds and 'won't work' attitude

“Won’t work” is the instinctive reaction to the proposal for a Four-Hour Work Day, no overtime and no double shifts.

That mindset; a mindset of doom for an idea that could literally liberate humankind from the advanced sclerosis of our minds and along with that prove an effective step in the abatement of climate change.

Impenetrable minds are the first thing that advocates of climate change abatement must access as most conservative thinkers, generally where you will find a sclerotic-like mind; those minds that inevitably question the science that confirms the realities that are changing our climate.  

Accessing closed minds is the
 first challenge facing
advocates of climate change
adaptation and within that
the Four-Hour Work Day.
Admitted the idea of a Four-Hour Work Day is, of course, quite a break with the status quo, but so was the introduction of the Internet in the last decade of the 19th century.

The internet, and its various ramifications, have changed the face of business and that in turn has changed the face of how will live and interact socially and less than 20 years later it is ubiquitous and in fact so pervasive that what was common 30 years ago is now archaic.

The advancement of technology brought with it promises of increased leisure for all except that we were not paying attention and those innovations were purloined by the corporate world and used to further enslave people, making them obedient and respondent to the whim of market and growth driven endeavour; endeavour that has an unblinking allegiance to profit, irrespective of the cost to people or earth’s ecosystem.

We are sleepwalking into decidedly difficulties, our salvation depends upon us breaking the trance of the profit and growth- “It won’t work” thinkers and deciding for ourselves that rather than devote our relatively short lives to making others rich, we would rather work less in the traditional sense and within that afford more time to reflect, consider and share.

Anything that is worthwhile is not easily achieved; bad things happen quickly, good things happen slowly; and the journey to working fewer hours will not be easy, will not be quick, but it will lead to rich rewards and not rewards that sees the accumulation of goods, rather the accumulation of a people who are decidedly more content, happier and fulfilled.   

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